If you’re ready for a change from the Red Hat Bluecurve cursors, good news! Included in the Ximian Desktop 2 are a whole set of fantastic cursors! There doesn’t seem to be an elegant way to change them so try this:
- As root, go to /usr/share/icons/Bluecurve
- Type mv cursors oldcursors
- Type ln -s /usr/share/icons/Industrial/cursors cursors
- If you have nothing you need to keep open or save, hit CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE to restart your display (you’ll have to log in again), or just reboot.
These cursors are beautiful.
Well, it turns out that this can keep you from updating redhat-artwork packages (since this how-to destroys the Red Hat cursors), so you have to either live with that or change it back every time there’s a redhat-artwork update. Jimmac told me in an e-mail that he does this symlink thing too because apparently there’s no good way yet to manage cursors in Red Hat.
SuSE is a lot better with X cursors. If you symlink the /opt/gnome/share/icons/themename to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icons, you can put the theme name can be entered into YAST2’s System > Editor for /etc/sysconfig Files > Desktop > X_MOUSE_CURSOR to set it as the X cursor.