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If your web page is not going all the way to the top and sides of the browser, you have a margin problem. You can get rid of this space by adding these attributes to your web page:

  • marginwidth – (Netscape) This sets the margin on the sides of the browser, so if you want it to go right to the edge, set this to zero.
  • marginheight – (Netscape) This sets the margin on the sides of the browser, so if you want it to go up to the very top, set this to zero.
  • topmargin – (Internet Explorer) Use this like marginheight.
  • leftmargin – (Internet Explorer) Use this like marginwidth in conjunction with the next attribute. This only affects the left side.
  • rightmargin – (Internet Explorer) Use this to set the margin of the right side of the browser.
  • bottom margin – (Internet Explorer) Use this attribute to set the margin along the bottom of the browser.