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Mount a Drive Automatically

I know how to mess with fstab and get this new internal backup drive to mount automatically, but I’d like to do it with a GUI. Why? Maybe I’m sick but I like using GUI software. But nothing that ships in Ubuntu can help me there. Instead simply install...

So That’s the Difference Between /mnt and /media

When I started with Linux everything seemed to mount at /mnt in the filesystem. Later I started noticing everything seemed to be at /media. I took this to be a difference in the way different distributions were choosing to mount drives. But I just came across this...

Be Kind to the User- Even When it Comes to Errors

Errors- they’re everywhere. No matter how well you coded your app, there will be problems you just can’t foresee. But in some cases you’re bound to realize in advance that there could be a problem. Here are the ways, in order of helpfulness, in which...

Ubuntu 11.04 and Why I’m an Ubuntu Fan

People that know me well know that switching operating systems is something I enjoy the same way others like to take cruises. I love kicking the tires on a new operating system or desktop environment. Since starting Tuxrocket I’ve see-sawed back and forth...

Want Some New Fonts?

If you head over to you can take part in a promotion they’re doing and get over 2000 font files free. Note that I said files. There’s a separate file for each style (e.g. bold, italic) so I don’t think it’s...