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Usable Browser Space Part 1

The following are the measurements I got in browsers on the Windows 2000 platform. To get the measurements, I left the browsers in their standard configuration (if the user adds or removes a toolbar, that will affect these numbers). All measurements were taken by...

PNG Web Transparency

At Microsoft’s site, they give this sample code snippet. The essential part is the additional style entry:filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader( src=’image.png’, sizingMethod=’scale’);By the way, I would make sure...

Netscape 4 and Stylesheets

Try this code: if(navigator.appName.indexOf(“Netscape”)!=-1 && navigator.appVersion.indexOf(“4.”)==0) { document.writeln(“”); } else { document.writeln(“”); document.writeln(“@import...

HTML Tables Pronounced Dead

Make an empty file named style.css. In your html page, add a line inside the tag that says . Let’s say you have some text that you want to be in a certain spot on your web page. We will put it there without a single table or line break. Put tags around the said...

Smooth Fonts in Mozilla

If you’re wondering if you could get that great GNOME 2 font smoothing in Mozilla without having to compile it yourself, you’re in luck! Head over to the website and download Mozilla 1.3a with font smoothing. Download the files. Double-click...