by Dave | Oct 10, 2011 | Improving Apps
Errors- they’re everywhere. No matter how well you coded your app, there will be problems you just can’t foresee. But in some cases you’re bound to realize in advance that there could be a problem. Here are the ways, in order of helpfulness, in which...
by Dave | Aug 11, 2010 | Improving Apps
Lately there’s been a lot of commentary about Canonical’s new package that they’ll be using to count computers using Ubuntu for an OEM partner. As that last comment clearly said, people need to calm down about this. Even if they were tracking users...
by Dave | Dec 7, 2009 | Improving Apps
A few years ago I got my wife to switch to Linux. She is a great computer user, although she would probably be the first to deny this. She has done some pretty impressive things in Windows, whether it be writing her Masters’ thesis in Word (almost 100 pages!)...
by Dave | Sep 14, 2009 | Improving Apps
Seth Godin says: The people who make desktop software are making themselves obsolete. When you start developing on the web, your default is to be smart, to interact and to be open (with other software and with your users). Desktop software (like Word) is insanely...
by Dave | Jul 19, 2009 | Improving Apps
The company (or project) that figures out how to do this will win. That’s what Matt Asay says on his CNet blog. What to know what he said that about? He said that open source projects need to: determine what average users want and then to translate this into...