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Build Things to Solve a User’s Problem

The company (or project) that figures out how to do this will win. That’s what Matt Asay says on his CNet blog. What to know what he said that about? He said that open source projects need to: determine what average users want and then to translate this into...

A Beautiful UI Works Wonders

Take a look at this Youtube video- you’ll notice that many of the features Steve Jobs demos back in 1992 (according to Wikipedia) are features of Mac OS X. Certainly much has been said about Apple acquiring Next and making NextStep into the Mac OS X. But notice...

Get a Website

I am prejudiced. Being a web developer makes me think this is the easiest part. Maybe it’s not for you. That’s OK. But get a real website. Hopefully, you’re using the great site to manage your project. Good news- they’ll let you...

Limiting Options is Good

There’s a line in “You’ve Got Mail” with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan where an observation is made about the ridiculous number of choices are involved in buying coffee at the little coffee shop. I don’t know about that, since I don’t...

Proprietary Tools Building Open Source

As I read Matt Asay’s blog post this morning on the use of proprietary tools in the advocacy of open source ones, I recognize that my foray into the Mac world changed me quite a bit. Almost from day one using a Mac I was shelling out money to get an app. They...

Using Licenses to Crush Your Enemies

Strangely enough, an open source developer seems to be doing just that- he’s adding an exclusion that forbids someone he’s in a legal argument with to use the open source project he develops. I first saw this mentioned on the ZDNet Blogs which pointed to...