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Why The openSUSE Build Service Matters

While currently my Linux distribution of choice, openSUSE is not the most popular distribution by any means. Honestly, I think it’s a little unfortunate that openSUSE is in the name, but the openSUSE Build Service (OBS) may be the most important thing to come...

The Humble Indie Bundle

Yes- I knew it would be here eventually! The FOSS community answer to the MacUpdate, MacZot, and MacHeist bundles: The Humble Indie Bundle Their spin on the bundle idea is that you can choose how much to pay and even then can choose how those funds are apportioned....

Get in the User’s Head

You may not love Sid Meier’s Civilization games but I do- have for years. So when I saw this I knew I had to mention it. Sid talks about the psychology of game design and I’ll summarize his points from this article. Recognize that the player is an...

Monopoly Power

Whenever a proprietary operating system company gets enough market share, they ignore common sense and courtesy. One of the things that impelled me to launch Tuxrocket instead of quietly leaving the Mac fold and going 100% Linux was the fact that I was so locked into...

Standard vs. Non-standard UIs

Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) are available for all the major desktop environments. OK- I’m guessing on Windows (I was right). But Mac OS X, GNOME, and KDE all have guidelines meant to steer developers to develop in a way that makes apps consistent in various...

Lickable App Icons

One of the design goals was when you saw it you wanted to lick it. When Mac OS X first came out, Steve Jobs bragged that they were making an interface so beautiful you just wanted to lick it. Now, I don’t know about that, but having a beautiful interface is...