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Setting the Terminal Unity Will Use

I just switched back from Kubuntu to Ubuntu recently and was annoyed that CTRL+ALT+T continued to open Konsole in Ubuntu rather than Gnome Terminal. The keyboard shortcuts in the System Settings just showed that it would open the default Terminal program. According to...

Tweaking LightDM

By default Ubuntu 14.04 has a ‘Guest Session’ option on the login screen. I don’t like that and also in my tinkering (and for work) I have an extra user account for a service I need to run. I want to hide that option. To disable the Guest Session,...

My Mouse from Microsoft

As far as tools go, I am really picky. Really, really picky. For a long time I had the Logitech Touch Mouse M600 which is a lot like a wireless mouse with a touchpad on top of it. But it’s mouse shaped and full size. I liked it just fine. Unfortunately the...

Getting FamilySearch Indexing to work in Ubuntu 14.04

If you, like myself, are an avid family history researcher or simply good person, you might be participating in FamilySearch’s indexing effort. Basically it’s crowdsourcing the indexing of billions, probably trillions, of family history related images and...

Export Silverstripe Comments to WXR

I recently had to migrate a Silverstripe installation’s comments to use the Disqus comment system. Here’s the script I wrote to grab and format the Silverstripe comments into the WXR xml structure Disqus can import. No doubt there’s an easier way....