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$79.99 (included in the iWork bundle)

Numbers from Apple is a very slick spreadsheet program. I liked how you had distinct tables on sheets, but this combined with the fact that I had to export it to Excel made it less than ideal anyway.

Unlike Pages, there was no easy script to export my Numbers files, which meant that I had to open each one and export them as Excel. Not nice.

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A big player in the open source community, OpenOffice is included in every Linux distribution I know of. It's integrated fairly well and has an extensive feature-set.

After exporting Numbers documents I was able to open them fine in OpenOffice. The only difference is that any other spreadsheet software will open each table as its own sheet.

ThinkFree Mobile

A non-free alternative is ThinkFree office which happened to be giving away free copies of it's Mobile (notebook) version when I was switching. It's a Java based app, but you'd never know it. It's very nice. A little odd at times. But in some cases there may be features you need that you can't find in OpenOffice.

That said- because Numbers tries to change the way you work with spreadsheets- it will not look as you hope it will.

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