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openSUSE version of my mac_touchpad.fdi

In a previous post I offered a download of the fdi file I had to get the two finger scrolling working for the touchpad on my Macbook Pro in Ubuntu. openSUSE didn’t seem to recognize the fdi file at all. It seems that any mouse, keyboard, or monitor must be in...

Mighty Mouse in openSUSE

One thing openSUSE has not done well for me is Bluetooth pairing. In Ubuntu I got a dialog asking for my pin code which is required. openSUSE had no such dialog and thus, even when I was told it succeeded, it didn’t work. In its defense I’m now not sure...

Moving the CD Repository

One annoying thing following a normal disc-based install is that that disc is your base repository. Occasionally, when you’re installing software it will prompt you to insert it. This is not new- I remember the same thing when I used Suse 9 a while back. Solve...

Apps I Need to Install in openSUSE

Inkscape Java Shutter Rednotebook Mysql Tools Mysql Apache2 PHP (& set up the environment) Pidgin Miro Komodo Dropbox My Firefox Extensions (should migrate seamlessly) GnuCash XSane Gramps Thunderbird 3 Tomboy (should migrate fine) Sudoku SmartSVN PowerDVD (I...

Downgrade from Ext4 to Ext3

Impossible? No- just a lot of work. Since I’m not running a kernel with ext4 support anymore, I had to do this to get my home partition into ext3: boot into a livecd with ext4 support image the partition to a firewire drive using sudo dd if=/dev/[partition]...